Ancient therapies to soothe the modern human.
Reasons to try Frequency Specific Microcurrent:
Uses FDA-Approved Technology
Treats MANY conditions, both acute & chronic
Accelerates healing
Promotes wellness
Reduces inflammation quickly​
Short list of conditions FSM can treat (scroll down for a longer list):
Trauma (physical and/or mental/emotional)
Recovery from anesthesia, post-procedure
- Muscle pain & injury
- Shingles pain & post-herpetic neuralgia
- Headaches!
- Pain caused by kidney stones
- Sprains & Strains
Microcurrent generates subtle electrical frequencies that are at the same frequency as the body's own electrical signals. Think of the commonly used tests such as EEG or ECG that we use to measure cardiac function or brain electrical function. By using harmless and non-invasive microcurrent, we are effectively increasing the amount of ATP (adenosine triphosphate, the chemical fuel of human cells) by as much as 500%.
Such increased levels of ATP speed cellular metabolism; the result is a detoxification that increases the rate of waste and impurity elimination. Protein synthesis and cellular membrane transport are also increased, as well as the reconstitution of collagen and elastin. For cosmetic purposes, the results of these processes can be seen in improved skin tone and coloration, the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, and the firming of sagging areas of the face and body.
Besides the increase in ATP, protein synthesis, and cellular membrane transport, clinical studies have consistently shown that Microcurrent causes the following:
35% increase in blood circulation
40% increase in gluconeogenesis (production of new glucose)
45% increase in the number of elastin fibers in the dermis
50% increase in the length of the elastin fibers
10% increase in collagen thickness in the connective tissue
35% increase in the number of blood vessels
28% increase lymphatic drainage
Why would I want to be treated with FSM?
With FSM, many disorders of the body can be brought back into balance, almost too many to list. Here are a few of the conditions commonly treated via FSM, but honestly, FSM can help just about anyone to have a better quality of life.
• Achilles Tendonitis
• Abdominal Adhesions
• Asthma
• Bell’s Palsy
• Benign Prostate Hypertrophy (BPH)
• Bronchitis
• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
• Complex Regional PainSyndrome (CRPS)
• Concussion
• Diabetic Neuropathy
• Emotional Issues
• Endometriosis
• Fibromyalgia from Spine Trauma
• Fractures
• Goiter
• Gout
• Headaches
• Herpes, Shingles, Cold Sores
• Interstitial Cystitis
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
• Kidney Stone Pain
• Low Back Pain
• Liver inflammation
• Lymphedema
• Migraine Headaches
• Muscle Pain
• Myofascial pain
• Neck Pain
• Neuromuscular Pain & Inflammation
• Nerve Pain
• Osteoarthritis
• Peripheral Neuropathy
• Post Herpetic Neuralgia
• Post-Stroke thalamic pain syndrome
• Post Surgical Pain
• Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
• Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)
• Scar Tissue
• Sciatica
• Shingles
• Shoulder pain
• Sinusitis
• Spinal Disc Pain
• Sports Injuries
• Sprains/Strains
• Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Pain
• Tendon & Ligament Injury
• Tension Headaches
• Tennis Elbow
• Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
• Whiplash
• Wound Healing
Resonance as a non-invasive healing therapy